Towards a Digitalized & Sustainable Future: A Recap on Our Thought Leadership Session

In the dynamic and ever-evolving Malaysian industrial landscape, our recent roundtable discussion – Thought Leadership Session, co-hosted with Dassault Systèmes – brought together experts and industry partners to delve into concerns and opportunities in the research & development, innovation, and design sectors. Held against the backdrop of Malaysia’s ambitious National Industrial Master Plan 2030 (NIMP 2023), our objective was to facilitate discussions on digital transformation and sustainability to pave the way for a more resilient future.


Government Initiatives & High-Value Activities
for the Manufacturing Industries

One of the central topics addressed was the Malaysian government’s efforts in fostering a robust ecosystem of high-value-added activities for the manufacturing industry. In our discussion, facilitator speaker Ir Kumaresan Magaswaran from Malaysian Research Accelerator for Technology & Innovation (MRANTI) outlined some focus areas that the government is aiming to transform, in alignment with NIMP 2023:

  • DroneTech & Robotics
  • Autonomous Vehicle
  • HealthTech
  • Agritech / BioTech
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While employing 5G connectivity and 4IR technologies, the government is committed for our industry to be sustainability-driven. As highlighted in the NIMP 2023, our country targets to achieve zero greenhouse gases (GHGs) emissions by 2050.

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Participants discussed how these initiatives are crucial for enhancing competitiveness and sustainability within the industry. Insights were shared on aligning business strategies with Malaysia’s broader economic goals, particularly the NIMP 2030.

Integrating Sustainable Developments

Another key topic of the session was the integration of sustainable practices and development into our operational frameworks. Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) expert and facilitator speaker Dr Hariramalu Ragavan from Akar Asia Consulting underscored the importance of and strategies in:

  • Adopting responsible resource management into our operations to reduce environmental footprint
  • Ways for industrial leaders to promote sustainability, while staying profitable at the same time
  • Meeting regulatory standards and achieving different aspects of the ESG goals
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As participants engaged in constructive dialogue on navigating the dual imperative of profitability and sustainability, it is worth noting how advancements in technology can support both environmental stewardship and financial viability.

— We encourage you to explore SOLIDWORKS Sustainability, which is an eco-design focused capability that is available with SOLIDWORKS Premium.

SOLIDWORKS Sustainability offers you actionable environmental insights by assessing how your designs impact the environment throughout their lifecycle, covering its material use, manufacturing and assembly processes, and even transportation and logistics.

The SOLIDWORKS Sustainability capability is also accessible on 3DEXPERIENCE SOLIWORKS Eco-Design Engineer Role. —

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— We encourage you to explore SOLIDWORKS Sustainability, which is an eco-design focused capability that is available with SOLIDWORKS Premium.

SOLIDWORKS Sustainability offers you actionable environmental insights by assessing how your designs impact the environment throughout their lifecycle, covering its material use, manufacturing and assembly processes, and even transportation and logistics.

The SOLIDWORKS Sustainability capability is also accessible on 3DEXPERIENCE SOLIWORKS Eco-Design Engineer Role. —

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Driving Collective Progress with CADVision Systems

In the importance of networking and collaboration to advancing towards a digitalized and sustainable future, we draw inspiration from a quote by our Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim:

“Government’s vision on sustainable humane economy needs collaborative efforts.”

By facilitating this roundtable discussion, we were committed to creating an empowering platform for our esteemed industry partners to exchange their experiences and expertise in the realm of technology, innovation, and sustainability. As we learned together, we fostered partnerships to drive collaborative progress, echoing the vision articulated by Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim.



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Hands-On Test-Drive Workshop: 3DEXPERIENCE SOLIDWORKS 2024

Complementing the Thought Leadership Session, we provided a hands-on training to engineers and designers with insights into the latest features of 3DEXPERIENCE SOLIDWORKS 2024, particularly its capabilities on cloud. This interactive session facilitated practical learning on leveraging digital tools for enhanced collaboration, efficiency, and innovation in product development. Special thanks were extended to Lenovo Malaysia for their partnership in providing the necessary hardware for the workshop.

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The Thought Leadership Session was not just a gathering of minds but a collaborative effort towards shaping Malaysia’s industrial future. Moving forward, we eagerly anticipate the next opportunity to exchange knowledge on vital topics such as technology, innovation, and sustainability.

We would like to thank everyone who participated: Your kind presence enriched our discussions, and we hope that you found it as informative and inspiring as we intended it to be. We hope to see you again in our future gatherings!

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